
Protecting Products From Copycats

About Me

Protecting Products From Copycats

Hi there, I'm Lilly Sellis. I began creating innovative products at a young age. I sold my items to friends and family members without an issue for years. As I continued to evolve my product line, it eventually caught the attention of people in my community. I decided to protect my items with a trademark to keep the design safe from potential thieves. Unfortunately, someone still decided to copy my product almost exactly. I had to hire a business attorney to fight the copycat and retain rights to my product. The case sat in the court system for a long time due to the other party's excessive motions. Thankfully, my business attorney stuck by my side throughout the process and eventually won the case. I will provide information about this process in hopes of helping others win their cases as well. Thank you for visiting.


The Reasons to Hire a Commercial Litigation Lawyer

Running a business comes with its fair share of challenges, and legal disputes can be one of the most stressful and time-consuming aspects of managing a company. Whether it’s a contractual dispute, a breach of agreement, or a lawsuit from a competitor, business owners need to ensure they are prepared to handle legal issues efficiently and effectively. Here are several important reasons why hiring a commercial litigation lawyer is essential for your business. Read More